Dental / Vision
DENTAL: Sunlife
Our dental plan helps you maintain good oral health through affordable options for preventive care, including regular checkups and other dental work.
Two levels of benefits are available with the DPPO plan: in network and out of network. You may see any dental provider for care, but you will pay less and get thehighest level of benefits with in network providers. You could pay more if you use an out of network provider.
Provider: Sunlife
Create an account at
To find an in-network dentist visit:
Call: 1-800-247-6875
Download the mobile app
To get a copy of your insurance card:
Create an account at
Click here for a copy: Dental Card
VISION: Sunlife
Our vision plan offers quality care to help preserve your health and eyesight. Regular exams can detect certain medical issues such as diabetes and high cholesterol, in addition to vision and eye problems. You may seek care from any vision provider, but the plan will pay the highest level of benefits when you see in-network providers.Provider: Sunlife/VSP
Create an account at
To find an in-network doctor, visit:
Call: 1-800-877-7195
Visit: and select the choice network
Download the mobile app
To get a copy of your insurance card:
Create an account at